Differences from Locale 6.4.0 to Locale X

  • Caller -> Volume: The Caller condition no longer exists. In Locale X, VIPs are now configured inside the Volume setting. Locale X will make adjustments to your situations during the conversion. It will then be necessary for you to manually add your VIPs to your "starred" contacts in the Android address book.

  • Orientation -> Face Down: The Orientation condition in Locale 6.4.0 is now the Face Down condition in Locale X. (The face up option in Locale 6 was rarely used, and by removing it we've been able to substantially optimize power usage and performance).

  • Movement -> Driving: The Movement condition in Locale 6.4.0 is now the Driving condition in Locale X. Locale X detects Driving using Bluetooth with much greater speed and lower power usage. (Locale 6.4.0 used minute vibrations to identify driving, which can be tricky to detect on some devices).

  • Ringtone -> 🚫: The Ringtone setting in Locale 6.4.0 no longer exists. This was often confused with the Volume setting, and by removing it we've been able to make the app much easier for new users.